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Do you often find your workday spiraling out of control? Do you want to be more productive than you yesterday?Do you want to know how to improve your skill set and work performance?Do you start each day with a plan, but soon become distracted and procrastinating? You are not alone.

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Interview with Fritz Lehmann How do you know if you are an introvert?Is it possible to lead successfully even as an introvert?Do you know how to be successful being an introvert? People who are introverted tend to be inward turning, or focused more on internal thoughts, feelings and moods rather than

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A Day in the Life of a Statistician… Statistics isn’t traditionally known to be a trendy subject, but data and data analytics is fast becoming a main driving force around the world for many industries and organizations. In the pharmaceutical industry, the visibility of statisticians is increasing and we are

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Interview with Georgia Salanti Do you know why network meta-analyses (NMA) important?Do you wonder what steps are included in NMAs? Network meta-analysis is a very important field, especially for multiple treatment options where a direct comparison is impossible without using this systematic review and analysis. In today’s episode, I discuss

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Webinar with Gary Do you really know how to deal with conflict? Conflict is one of the biggest topics of stress at work. Managing conflict gives a huge drive to our success and satisfaction at work, but in reality, it’s tough to manage it. Today, we give you the recording

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The Drug Development Process How do we develop new medicines to treat nasty and debilitating diseases?  It all starts by discovering a novel target molecule in the lab. Fast forward 12 years and an average expenditure of 1.5 billion dollars we hopefully get the thumbs up from health authority bodies to

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Interview with Richard Zink What bigger trends do we see in the biopharmaceutical industry, which will have an impact for statisticians? . . . in terms of technology changes?. . . in terms of regulatory changes?. . . in terms of political/society changes?What can statisticians do to prepare for these

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Interview with Jennings Xu Why is text mining so important? What are the typical challenges and research questions in this area? Are there any typical ones for medical/pharmaceutical research? What data sources could we tap into? What are some foundational concepts in the natural language process? In this episode, I

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Do you have a passion for numbers and want to save lives? The PSI CALC podcast is a 5 part series occurring bi-weekly. In this series, Alexander and members of the PSI CALC team discuss medical statistics as a career option. This series is aimed at university students reading Mathematics

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Interview with Tricia Aanderud What can you learn from Leonardo Da Vinci on how to put things into perspective?Do you struggle with data communication? How important is data visualization? Storytelling is one of the great leadership skills that play a role in communication. Through stories, you can create alignment and

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Interview with Shahrul and Anja Do you have great ideas but struggling to implement them? Is having an idea and just being right already good enough? What can you do to convince your supervisor? How can you help others understand your point of view? Do you have the right tools

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Interview with Ludi and Sam Do you have what it takes to be a leader? What skills can you learn from The Effective Statistician Leadership program? How can The Effective Statistician Leadership program help you become a better influencer? In this interview, I’m speaking with two leadership students, Sam and

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