The Effective Statistician

Reach your potential, lead great science and serve patients

We help you as a statistician, data scientist, programmer and other quantitative scientist to:

have more influence & drive innovation
grow your knowledge about the healthcare industry, and
improve your personal effectiveness
Learn more about my new book: How To Be An Effective Statistician

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Experts on the podcast

Miguel Hernan

Miguel Hernán

Director of the CAUSALab at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Alberto Cairo

Journalist, Designer, and Director of the visualization program at UM’s Center for Computational Science

Andy Grieve

Statistical Research at UCB

Deborah Ashby

Director of the School of Public Health at Imperial College London

Alex Dmitrienko

Founder and President of Mediana Inc.

Mouna Akacha

Consultant in the Statistical Methodology Group of Novartis Pharma AG

Kaspar Rufibach

Expert Statistical Scientist in Roche’s Methods, Collaboration, and Outreach group

Stephen Ruberg

President of Analytix Thinking, LLC

Chrissie Fletcher

Regional Head in Global Biostatistical Science at Amgen

Justine Rochon

Vice President, Global Head of Biostatistics and Data Sciences (BDS) at Boehringer Ingelheim

Shanthi Sethuraman

Senior Director for the Diabetes Complications Statistics group at Eli Lilly and Company

Alun Bedding

Global Head of Methods, Collaboration, and Outreach at Roche

Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

Max Mustermann

Let’s build a better future together!

Dr. Alexander Schacht

what others say

Draupnir Bio, Andrew Hotchkiss, Chief Executive Officer

Alexander has an amazing ability to use data to generate important insights that can really impact product development that translate into improved patient outcomes. He is able to engage and communicate with key
thought leaders and to build effective collaborations.

About Alexander

I work on building a world in which researchers, regulators, payers, physicians, and patients have the right evidence at the right time to make the right decisions for the benefit of patients.

More about Alexander