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Have you ever found yourself frustrated by the dynamics within your team, wondering why certain dysfunctions seem to persist despite your best efforts? Are you curious to explore the intricacies of team dynamics and discover actionable strategies to overcome common challenges? Do you aspire to lead your team towards a

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Today, I’m diving into the world of volunteering within the statistical community. Have you ever wondered why you should volunteer your time and skills?Or perhaps how to get involved with the Effective Statistician community? Well, you’re in the right place. In this episode, I explore the diverse benefits of volunteering,

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In this episode, I guide you through our continued journey into the challenges around handling summary statistics. Building on our previous discussions, today we dive into the transformative solutions that extend beyond just the CDISC standards. In Part 1, we navigated through the challenges of traditional data storage via CDISC,

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In this episode, I embark on a riveting exploration of the intricate journey of learning and personal development. But what exactly are the four pivotal phases of learning that can transform the way we understand ourselves and others in the professional sphere? Why is this concept so crucial for supervisors

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In this episode, Thomas Debray and I dive back into the intriguing world of personalized medicine. We explore the advancements, and hurdles in customizing patient care. Have you ever wondered what makes developing personalized treatment strategies so challenging, especially when traditional studies may not always provide clear answers for individual

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In this episode, I dive into a topic that’s often muddled in misconceptions: leadership. You see, when we talk about leadership, there’s usually a default image that comes to mind – the one tied to titles, hierarchies, and organizational authority. But here’s the thing: there’s more than meets the eye.

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In this episode, Selena and I embark on an enlightening journey through the complexities of data management beyond clinical data and data strategy implementation. We delve into the crucial role of translating data insights into actionable strategies, emphasizing the significance of reaching the right audience and driving meaningful outcomes. Selena’s

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Everyone is outsourcing all the time and it surely comes with challenges and opportunities.  If you struggle – either on being on the sponsor or the CRO side – you’re not alone. Join me, alongside Benjamin, as we discuss the complexities of outsourcing in our field. As statisticians and data

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In this episode, I dive into the intricacies of motivation, examining its sources and implications for individuals and teams alike. Throughout this discussion, I explore the three fundamental pillars of motivation: Purpose Mastery Autonomy Drawing from my experiences and insights, I unravel the complex dynamics at play and offer practical

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In this recording of the presentation by Thomas Debray at the 2nd conference of The Effective Statistician, various challenges and considerations regarding the conduct of network meta-analysis (NMA) were examined. NMA, a statistical technique used in evidence synthesis to compare multiple treatments simultaneously, presents a range of complexities.  How do

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In this episode, I am diving into a topic that might seem a bit unexpected for us number crunchers: marketing. Yes, you heard it right! But before you hit that pause button, let me tell you why sometimes, you need to put your marketing hat on. As the great Seth

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I am opening doors to expanding the Effective Statistician Academy’s community of experts and I hope you can be part of this journey. The virtual world has certainly opened the doors to learning on a wide-open scale. Unlike before, learning is now easier and more convenient to achieve. Right now, to

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