
Everything you want to know about leadership, influencing, and create alignment to move forward effectively as a statistician. This is about administrative leadership as well as leading without a title like in cross-functional teams.

Being a supervisor – things you would love to have known before you became one … or that you should know if you want to become one

Interview with Simon Cleall Becoming a supervisor changes things dramatically at work for you. It did for me and Simon helped me by openly providing deep insights into his years of a supervisor – especially his failures and dramatic moments. In this episode, Simon shares his ups and downs for you to learn from. Leading …

Being a supervisor – things you would love to have known before you became one … or that you should know if you want to become one Read More »

Why and how to invest in your leadership skills – Interview with of Gemma Hodgson and Margaret Jones

Leadership skills for statisticians represents a common theme across many episodes of this podcast. As leadership consists of many different aspects, it is important to learn from other statisticians, that exhibit these skills. In this episode, we talk with Gemma and Margaret, who have run successful leadership courses within PSI. We cover the following topics:

How to sell your achievements – actionable advise

Have you ever felt bad about talking about your achievements? Did you ever thought, that you’re just doing your job, when you accomplished something? Did you ever feel, that others didn’t understand, how significant your contribution was? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, this episode is for you!