• What are the advantages of being active on LinkedIn?
  • How can you find the right career opportunity on this social site?
  • How can increasing your network attract more opportunities?
  • What kind of content should you post?

In today’s episode, I am talking about my favorite social media platform, LinkedIn. LinkedIn has helped a lot of professionals not only to meet new people and to broaden their network but also, in discovering new skills, learn new insights, and get motivation.

Listen to this now and learn how to maximize the use of your LinkedIn account.

I also discuss the following points:

  • Find recruiters and search for the right candidates
  • Find new companies
  • Grow your network
  • Get motivation and be on trend
  • Showcase your expertise
  • Build your brand
  • Other ways to maximize LinkedIn

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Alexander: You are listening to the Effective Statistician podcast, so the weekly podcast with Alexander Schacht and Benjamin Piske, designed to help you reach your potential, lead great science and serve patients without becoming overwhelmed by work. Today we are talking about why you should be active in LinkedIn. Stay tuned and know some music.

I can’t believe we are talking about social media today, but LinkedIn is, for me, an exception. I’m not a big fan of social media. It distracts me. And I can be really easily distracted. And yes, there’s some kind of downsides to LinkedIn as well, but LinkedIn is really different from Instagram, Facebook, and all the other things.

So, stay tuned for this episode that I think will help you understand how you can leverage LinkedIn for your career.

Speaking about your career, we have a library with all the free content that we have produced over the years from the effective statistician on our homepage. So check out says library and recommend it to your friends. It’s for free. Just sign up and you will find everything and all the new stuff that we will put.

In the future, I’m producing this podcast in association with psi, a community dedicated to leading and promotings use of statistics within the healthcare industry for the benefit of patients. Join PSI today to further develop your statistical capabilities with access to the video and demand content library with free registration to all PSI webinars.

And much, much more. Visit the PSI website@psiweb.org to learn more about PSI activities and become a PSI member today. Okay, so today we will talk about LinkedIn. First reason why I think you should absolutely be on LinkedIn. Is that is the go-to area for all the recruitment companies, for all the people in hr, for next employee employers, for your next supervisor.

All will look into LinkedIn on nearly all of them. For recruiters probably. and we are in a situation where there’s a lot of new opportunities that are not widely communicated because people think like well through the usual kind of channels that work cannot went years ago. We do not get any CVS or Nazi cvs that we want.

All the good candidates are already. Good positions. Yeah. They will not just apply. So lots of companies recruit through people that search, for people. And where do they search? Of course they search on LinkedIn. So if you are not present on LinkedIn? Yeah. If you don’t have good profiles there, if you are not seen by others, yeah.

Then you might lose out on really cool opportunities. There is this term of the hidden job market. Yeah. And that is hidden because sea jobs are not advertised or they’re only internally advertised or only in a certain area. Yeah. Say get out. Understand your market value. Yeah. Maybe you get a call from a recruiter on email from a recruiter.

You can only get a call if you have your phone number there. Maybe you get a email or message from a recruiter. Maybe it’s a distraction, but maybe it’s an opportunity to test what’s out. , what is the values that you bring? What is the values that you could bring? And that means what salaries are currently paid, what is, what’s a benchmark?

Yeah. I always think speaking about salary expectations early in the process. Helps dramatically. Yeah. You don’t want to go through a complete interview process just to find out that the cellular expectations don’t match at all. You can place that pretty openly. Most recruiters will be completely fine with that.

Yeah. What is this job about? What are the opportunities? What’s the salary? Very easy. Yeah. And. Then, see, can see, oh, salaries are increasing. Or you can say I’m looking for a salary of X, Y, Z. Maybe you can be built and just increase by 50%. Maybe it works. , who knows? Yeah. Maybe the, there’s a really nice job.

Yeah. And then you can also test with your supervisor not saying, if you don’t pay me X amount more, then I will leave. That’s probably not a good kind of discussion to have, because if I would be, as a supervisor, I probably would say, then please leave , because I don’t want to be forced into this.

But if you frame it like, This job market set is developing really nicely. I absolutely love to work here. And I think we should be fairly paid and we should be paid according to the values that we contribute. So can we please have a discussion about salary? I think that’s a completely valid introduction to have the next thing. If you are applying for a new job many new supervisors, hiring managers, people that are somewhere in the interview process will check out your profile on LinkedIn. How does it look like? What have you posted about? What are your connections? Yeah, and if it is pretty meaningless, then you’re just another guy, another girl in this application process.

So there you have the opportunity to stand out. You has the opportunity to really showcase what you have done, what you aim for, what you. The CV on LinkedIn should be informative about your next career steps. What are your goals? What are your motivations? And all the different posts will show how connected you are, what your interest in what your perspectives are.

There’s another opportunity in LinkedIn and that is connecting with other people. Grow your network, get to know people.

There’s probably recruiters you will get to connect with, but maybe there’s also other people said you. Work in the same field, and if you connect with them, you will more likely seize their content. You will more likely get to know what they talk about, what their assaults are, and you can build relationships.

There’s actually quiet, a number of people that I interviewed in this podcast who I phoned on linked. Where oh say post interesting content, or they have done something interesting. I will really love to speak with them about this and for sure I found new people in my team on LinkedIn and my recruiters found new people on LinkedIn and it’s an opportunity to kind.

Have discussions with people. Get to know people, even really senior people. Yeah. Leave a comment on their post. Get connected there. Yeah. Next reason why you should be more active on LinkedIn. Learn about tips and tricks as well as news and get motivation. LinkedIn is a very. positive. Sometimes maybe even too positive.

Social media area, there is nearly no hate. There is, no rarely a rant or something like this. It’s really, I would say, uplifting. It’s not so much sad, that of course there’s some people that kind of just talk about how great they are. And you shouldn’t compare yourself to these people anyway.

But it’s really got great to get inspirational, motivational, educational content there and you can share your experiences, your news that you have. Helpful content that you have seen. You can learn about lots of new people with great insights on LinkedIn if you be, are active on LinkedIn. So not just scroll through there and maybe leave a like or something like this here and say you will be able to increase your network.

Accept invites. Connect with people that are, have similar interests. Yeah. If you connect, just leave a quick note. Yeah. Said you have seen you’re working in the same area. It would be great to, to be connected. Then people will more likely see your content and the others will more See your contact.

That’s how the algorithm works. Yeah. Everything that is first degree connection, second degree connection gets much higher likelihood to be shared with you. And so you learn from your network so bigger your network, some more people you learn from. It’s a great opportunity. To showcase your expertise.

You can get a write a short article. Maybe you wanna start with once a week or once a month? Yeah. Take 10 minutes, 15 minutes and write an article or take an hour and write phones and post them ev every. Yeah, that’s what I really recommend because then you are really in this prism of writing that helps you to build your brand.

What is brand? Brand is what others talk about you when you are not there. And of course, First and really important about a brand is knowledge. That kind of the knowledge that you even exist, but also the knowledge that you have, your expertise, also your attitude to things. Yeah. I use someone that is positive, helpful, encouraging passionate.

Set all can shine through on your LinkedIn posts. Now, how do I use LinkedIn? First is it’s a really easy way to send messages to people. Yeah. To connect with people. This is really nice function within linked into to chat with people. I also follow up with new people Yeah. Who I’ve met. So maybe I met someone at a conference.

Yeah. And then I connect with them on LinkedIn because then I, that’s my, contact list and I can always go back to them. And people stay on LinkedIn. They may, have different jobs over time and different email addresses, but say stay on linked.

It really helps me to get inspired to keep motivated. Yes, there’s lots of nice quotes that are posted by different people, and that’s great. I also share, of course, updates from myself, my podcast episodes. I promote upcoming events upcoming presentations that I’m giving, upcoming events that I’m attending.

That’s great for other people. Now, how could you use LinkedIn? I think the first is have a little bit of a thought about what you prefer. Do you prefer writing or do you prefer, or a video? So you can also post these these small videos on LinkedIn. I usually re. one hour maximum, two hour videos. And same can be rather raw.

You, they don’t need to be super edited. Yeah. You can record them with your smartphone very easily. Make short. Checks on LinkedIn, but regularly, don’t leave it there for months and months. Yeah. Because then, connection requests, messages. See how outdated.

Yeah. So check regularly. Maybe just shortly, but regularly. Next point is engage with the contents that you see, the vast majority. Our LinkedIn users are just those that scroll through it. Maybe leave alike comment on stuff. Leave the insightful comment, maybe at least one sentence. Yeah. Share what you ha what you find useful and add your thoughts to it.

Connect with all your business partner. Yeah, physicians that you’re working with, other statisticians in your industry are the CRO partners that you work with. Connect with them. All this might be quite helpful in the future. I hope this episode was also helpful for you. There’s a lot of free content that I have on our homepage says a library of all the free content.

So check out the effective statistician.com for that. This show was created in association with psa. Thanks Rain and her team at vvs who helps with assurance background. And thank you for listening. Reach your potential lead great science and serve patients. Just be an effective statistician.

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I work to achieve a future in which everyone can access the right evidence in the right format at the right time to make sound decisions.

When my kids are sick, I want to have good evidence to discuss with the physician about the different therapy choices.

When my mother is sick, I want her to understand the evidence and being able to understand it.

When I get sick, I want to find evidence that I can trust and that helps me to have meaningful discussions with my healthcare professionals.

I want to live in a world, where the media reports correctly about medical evidence and in which society distinguishes between fake evidence and real evidence.

Let’s work together to achieve this.