Associate Director, Data Science | Open Source | R in Pharma

He is an R enthusiast currently working for the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche as a Statistical Programmer Analyst for late-phase clinical trials in neuroscience indications.

His R journey began in 2014 when a coworker told him to run an R script to “analyze some data”. Having never programmed before at that time, he was overwhelmed. But he took on the challenge and soon realized the power and joy of programming.

Since then, he learned a couple of other programming languages including Matlab, Python, and SAS. But his favorite is still by far R.

He enjoys sharing his knowledge and started doing so publicly on LinkedIn in late 2019. Since then he went from around 300 to 7000+ followers. Many of those encouraged him to create a blog to have a central place for all his posts. So that’s what he did.

As the name suggests this blog focuses predominantly on R. He will occasionally cover other, related topics such as git, though. He also enjoys data visualization a lot so you’ll likely find some posts on that, too.

If you have a specific topic you would like him to write about, please feel free to reach out. The best option to do so is via his LinkedIn. If you are not yet connected with him, make sure to send him a request!

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R vs SAS – which is the better tool in pharmaceutical research
with Thomas Neitmann

R versus SAS – which is the better tool?

Today, we talk about a controversial topic. If you go online and look into social media, you’ll find a lot of data scientists who talk about R versus Python. In medical and clinical research, it’s more about R versus SAS.

For this discussion, we have Sam Gardner and Thomas Neitmann representing SAS and R, respectively.

Join us while we discuss the following points:
  • Our first experience with R versus SAS
  • How long does someone completely new learn R versus SAS?
  • How easy is R versus SAS when managing day-to-day basis tasks?
  • How do R versus SAS community and events help?
  • How do updates work with R versus SAS?
  • How easy is it to submit study data to regulators using R versus SAS?

Thomas Adventure Blog

Listen to this very insightful episode and share this with your friends and colleagues!

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I want to help the community of statisticians, data scientists, programmers and other quantitative scientists to be more influential, innovative, and effective. I believe that as a community we can help our research, our regulatory and payer systems, and ultimately physicians and patients take better decisions based on better evidence.

I work to achieve a future in which everyone can access the right evidence in the right format at the right time to make sound decisions.

When my kids are sick, I want to have good evidence to discuss with the physician about the different therapy choices.

When my mother is sick, I want her to understand the evidence and being able to understand it.

When I get sick, I want to find evidence that I can trust and that helps me to have meaningful discussions with my healthcare professionals.

I want to live in a world, where the media reports correctly about medical evidence and in which society distinguishes between fake evidence and real evidence.

Let’s work together to achieve this.