• Real world evidence (RWE)
  • Big data
  • Real world data (RWD)
  • Pragmatic studies

There are lots of buzzwords floating around and especially with the FDA having a bigger focus on RWE it’s top of mind for many stakeholders. Many teams in the different pharma organizations concentrate on this type of evidence.

Imi works on such data daily and I’ve worked on observational studies since 2004. In this podcast episode, we will explain some of these topics, bust some myths and help you understand how this data fits into the bigger picture.

Listen to this episode and become an effective statistician!

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Imi Dean

Senior Data Scientist (RWD) | Epidemiologist | Oncology & Rare Disease

He is an Epidemiologist and data scientist who is incredibly passionate about evidence-based medicine, elegant study design and scientifically robust analysis. He’s experienced in planning, conducting and analyzing both real-world and interventional study data utilizing a wide variety of methods.

His current main areas of interest are how real-world data can be used to speed up drug development in the rare disease space, novel study designs, mining large biomedical datasets and comparative analysis in both interventional and non-interventional settings.

He has a high degree of statistical expertise and can code in Python, Teradata, Spotfire, SQL SAS and R.

He experienced in the authoring of different technical publications including study protocols, statistical analysis plans and final study reports, most of which have been used in a regulatory context as well as academic publications.

He has been fortunate to work in a relatively wide range of settings including responding to the recent Ebola epidemic as part of the WHO, the pharmaceutical industry and in academia. He has also consulted for start-ups working in the health care space.

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I want to help the community of statisticians, data scientists, programmers and other quantitative scientists to be more influential, innovative, and effective. I believe that as a community we can help our research, our regulatory and payer systems, and ultimately physicians and patients take better decisions based on better evidence.

I work to achieve a future in which everyone can access the right evidence in the right format at the right time to make sound decisions.

When my kids are sick, I want to have good evidence to discuss with the physician about the different therapy choices.

When my mother is sick, I want her to understand the evidence and being able to understand it.

When I get sick, I want to find evidence that I can trust and that helps me to have meaningful discussions with my healthcare professionals.

I want to live in a world, where the media reports correctly about medical evidence and in which society distinguishes between fake evidence and real evidence.

Let’s work together to achieve this.