Senior Director for the Diabetes Complications Statistics group at Eli Lilly and Company

She has over 25 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical Industry in fields of statistical thinking and applications and has held various positions across Statistics organizations, CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Control), Regulatory, and Project Management. She is currently the senior director for the Diabetes Complications Statistics group at Eli Lilly and Company. She joined Lilly after obtaining her PhD from Virginia Tech. One of her passions is leadership development, which she champions at Lilly.  

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Taking on Leadership Roles Outside of Statistics
with Shanthi Sethuraman

Today, we have a special guest, Shanti. Learn while she shares with us her vast experience in the pharmaceutical industry collected over 25 years. She held various positions inside and outside of the statistics organization.

Join us while we discuss the following points:
  • What was her motivation for hiring people
  • How did she broaden her scope of work for the company
  • How did she face resistance from people under her
  • Why did she move from one position to another
  • How to lead a team effectively

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