Statistical Research Fellow at UCB
Biostatistician with over 40 years of experience working in most areas of pharmaceutical R&D where statistics plays a major part: Drug discovery, pre-clinical toxicology, pharmaceutical development, clinical development phases I-IV, marketing, health economics, production. Specializing in applying Bayesian statistics with a particular interest in adaptive designs.
Specialties: Adaptive designs; Bayesian methods; decision theory
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Helping Statisticians having a bigger role
with Andy Grieve
Do you want to have a bigger impact?
Would you like to play a bigger role?
Did you have a moment in your career, where you thought you as a statistician felt being put in a box or labeled in such a way that limits your influence?
Today’s interview is surely beneficial to every statistician – both early and later in their career as Andy Grieve shares from his wealth of experience across the industry and academia working in senior roles.
We specifically talk about the following points:
- When did you realize for yourself, that statisticians should and can play a bigger role?
- How would the health sector look like, if statisticians would have considerably more influence – e.g. if all the pharma companies would have something like a chief statistical officer?
- What are the factors, that play in favor of statisticians gaining more influence?
- What do you see as the biggest barriers for statisticians gaining more influence?
- What would you recommend to other statisticians to achieve a bigger influence?
- Do you have different recommendations for statisticians earlier or later in the career?
Listen to this interview and be an effective statistician!
Join The Effective Statistician LinkedIn group
This group was set up to help each other to become more effective statisticians. We’ll run challenges in this group, e.g. around writing abstracts for conferences or other projects. I’ll also post into this group further content.
I want to help the community of statisticians, data scientists, programmers and other quantitative scientists to be more influential, innovative, and effective. I believe that as a community we can help our research, our regulatory and payer systems, and ultimately physicians and patients take better decisions based on better evidence.
I work to achieve a future in which everyone can access the right evidence in the right format at the right time to make sound decisions.
When my kids are sick, I want to have good evidence to discuss with the physician about the different therapy choices.
When my mother is sick, I want her to understand the evidence and being able to understand it.
When I get sick, I want to find evidence that I can trust and that helps me to have meaningful discussions with my healthcare professionals.
I want to live in a world, where the media reports correctly about medical evidence and in which society distinguishes between fake evidence and real evidence.
Let’s work together to achieve this.