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If you ask someone within the pharma world of statisticians on what is the hottest topic, you most likely will just get: Estimands! Many scientific events, conference sessions, publications and presentations are organized around this topic. Thus, I’m super happy, that we have Mouna and Chrissie on the podcast as

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Have you ever been proposing or defending a project in a larger meeting – maybe even with senior management – and it didn’t go as smoothly as you would like? Or do you prepare yourself for such a meeting and you feel unsure about what to expect? Then, this episode

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Same procedure every year – the year end review as part of the performance management appears on your calendar. Are you worried about filling in forms? Do you feel like this is not adding value? In this episode, we give you practical tips how to master the review like a

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We’re launching a new leadership course next year and in this episode, we go into some key questions about statisticians and leadership. We cover the following topics: What is a good definition for leadership? Why should technical statisticians worry about developing leadership skills? What happens, if you have limitations in

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Today, regulatory approval doesn’t ensure anymore, that patients benefit from new therapies. As statisticians, we also need to ensure access and reimbursement for new treatments in the different markets around the world. The process to gain this access and reimbursement in Germany comes with very specific challenges. Yet, due to

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We’re all making decisions to optimize our studies. Optimizing project plans across different studies presents further challenges. But how to increase the overall portfolio of a company given its limitations leads yet another set of challenges. Knowing how decisions are taken at this top level helps to understand the bigger

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You have probably heard about Simon Sinek and his golden circle. If not, have a look at his great TED talk here.  Never miss an episode! Join thousends of your peers and subscribe to get our latest updates by email!Get the shownotes of our podcast episodes plus tips and tricks

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Interview with Simon Cleall Becoming a supervisor changes things dramatically at work for you. It did for me and Simon helped me by openly providing deep insights into his years of a supervisor – especially his failures and dramatic moments. In this episode, Simon shares his ups and downs for

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Everybody knows such situations: tight timelines, high expectations and many things to do! But how can we work effectively in such situations. Many different productivity experts have written about this topic. In this episode, I’m speaking about how to implement these approaches and also my personal learnings and challenges during

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Leadership skills for statisticians represents a common theme across many episodes of this podcast. As leadership consists of many different aspects, it is important to learn from other statisticians, that exhibit these skills. In this episode, we talk with Gemma and Margaret, who have run successful leadership courses within PSI.

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Are you still counting tables? Do you worry about having to many of them? Do you wonder how to get an overview across all the results? In this episode, we will talk about this thoughts and we will explore, how tables fit into the bigger picture.  We will also discuss

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Do you think, you have nothing to add to a statistical conference? Are you afraid of sharing your achievements? Do you wonder, why you should put in the effort on top of your day-to-day job? All these thoughts and questions will be addressed in this episode with Paul Terrill, the

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